PDF-XChange Editor Plus v9.5 Build 368.0 绿色特别版-ziyuanxiong.cn


PDF-XChange Editor,号称打开速度最快最强大的PDF编辑器/PDF阅读器,PDF-XChange专注于PDF文档的编辑,打开PDF文件速度快,软件小功能强大,可以自定义制作PDF电子文档,具有创建,查看,编辑,注释,审阅,添加水印,签名保护,PDF格式转换,PDF文档打印,扫描仪识别,OCR识别页面等功能。


PDF-XChange Editor Plus v9.5 Build 368.0 绿色特别版-ziyuanxiong.cn


v9.5 Build 367.0

Newly added featureJavaScript EngineNEW
Implemented the annot.refType and annot.replyTo properties.
Newly added featureEditorNEW
Added \’Expand All/Collapse All\’ buttons in the Advanced tab of the Metadata dialog box.
Newly added featureEditorNEW
Added \’Delete but Retain Children\’ feature for Bookmarks pane.
Newly added featureEditorNEW
The Default OCR engine (Tesseract) has been upgraded to the latest stable version (5.3).
Critical error or bug fixPDF-Core
Fixed a potential vulnerability when handling crafted/corrupted TIFF files. Reported by: Mat Powell of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative; Tran Van Khang (VinCSS), Rocco Calvi (@TerR0C), and Anonymous working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative.
Critical error or bug fixPDF-Core
Fixed a potential vulnerability when handling crafted/corrupted J2K files. Reported by: Mat Powell of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative; Tran Van Khang (VinCSS), Rocco Calvi (@TerR0C), and Anonymous working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative.
Critical error or bug fixPDF-Core
Fixed a potential vulnerability when handling crafted/corrupted XPS files. Reported by: Mat Powell of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative; Tran Van Khang (VinCSS), Rocco Calvi (@TerR0C), and Anonymous working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative.
Critical error or bug fixPDF-Core
Fixed a potential vulnerability when handling crafted/corrupted PDF files. Reported by: Mat Powell of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative; Tran Van Khang (VinCSS), Rocco Calvi (@TerR0C), and Anonymous working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative.
A reported error or bug was fixedPDF-Core
Fixed the issue where some digital signatures generated by DocuSign were reported as invalid.
A reported error or bug was fixedJavaScript Engine
Fixed the issue with the annot.gestures property. (39785)
A reported error or bug was fixedJavaScript Engine
Fixed the issue with the doc.addWatermarkFromFile property. (39385)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor
Fixed the issue with the \’Fit Box by Text Content\’ feature for callout and freetext annotations. (T# 4819)
A reported error or bug was fixedPDF-Core
Fixed the rare issue with formatting measure values when fraction types are used. (T# 6362)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor
Fixed the issue with moving hidden form fields via keyboard in the form editor. (T# 6381)
A reported error or bug was fixedPDF-Core
Fixed a rare issue that caused a crash when loading PDFs that contain XFA forms.
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Plugins
Fixed the issue with the \’Sort Pages by Bookmarks\’ feature on some documents. (T# 6343)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor
Fixed the issue with the error message that appears when opening documents from a session.(T# 6359) (39711)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor
Fixed the issue with the enabled/disabled state of \’Insert/Replace Text\’ buttons on toolbars. (39772)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor
Fixed the issue that could cause a crash when a floating pane is active and the shortcut for \’Full Screen\’ is used. (39769)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor
Fixed a rare issue that resulted in the incorrect positioning of redaction rectangles when OCR is being performed on a document and the \’Editable Text and Images\’ mode is enabled.
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor
Edit Content Tool: fixed the logic used with the selection of objects on pages when users right-click to open the context menu. Right-clicking on selected objects now retains the current selection, as it should.
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor
Changed a way of handling document information tags when converting from MS Office document formats.
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor
Fixed how information is displayed in the document info bar for PDF/A-4, PDF/A-4e and PDF/A-4f files.
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor
Added the ability to replace non-existent files when opening the associated session. (T# 6360) (39702)
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor
Fixed/improved the \’OCR Images\’ feature: reinstated the output options (for Enhanced OCR engine only). (39995)
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor
Improved/fixed the detection of skew/rotation angles when OCR is being performed on documents/images.
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor
Updated third-party components to address their known vulnerabilities.


├—可去受保护文件安全属性,可解除 PDF文件无法复制打印等限制。


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