资源管理器替代工具 Files v2.4.40.0 中文免费版- ziyuanxiong.cn



Files 是一款开源免费的文件浏览器,它利用 Windows 平台的最新功能,包括 Fluent Design,无缝更新和 API,可实现用户期望的性能和生命周期行为。 无论您是想简化文件使用体验还是尝试新的尝试,Files 都是一站式解决方案,可让您即时浏览文件。


资源管理器替代工具 Files v2.4.40.0 中文免费版- ziyuanxiong.cn


File 并非如此,它是一种超级时尚,外观现代且非常实用的功能,可处理未来 File Explorer 的外观和感觉。这是一个由社区推动的开放源代码项目,其中包含足够的 Fluent Design 元素,以使也重视美观的用户满意。

除了其现代而时尚的 GUI 外,Files 的优点还在于它的直观性。与依赖于“基本”浏览器相比,使用该应用程序感到的力量和回报要多得多,而实际上并没有像不是由微软开发的第三方应用程序。

由于我们的主题是 GUI,因此该应用程序采用了基本布局,主窗口顶部带有一个标签栏,其后是一个基本菜单栏,一个带有“前进”和“后退”按钮的导航窗格,一个路径/地址栏,搜索,两个相邻的部分(例如“位置和驱动器”)以及“预览/详细信息”窗格。




Windows 10 从未拥有的资源管理器
总而言之,这是一个非常有前途的项目,可以通过适当的改进而变得相当受欢迎。当前,即使该应用程序仍处于早期阶段,它的确在基本浏览器的基础上进行了一些改进,对于某些用户,尤其是那些正在寻找外观且支持标签的用户而言,这应该已经足够。喜欢这个主意的用户可以检出该项目的 GitHub 存储库,甚至可以通过错误报告和可能的新好主意来支持整个工作。

我们可以自信地断言 Files 是平台上最好的文件浏览器项目,可将您的创新技术引入其中。 我们非常关注可扩展性和代码模块化,并且没有计划停止这样做。 为这个项目做贡献时,您可以通过修复报告的错误,添加新功能或纠正现有行为来帮助所有人。 这些更改将很快包含在最终产品中,所有用户都将从中受益。

在短期内,我们计划重点关注实现与 Windows File Explorer 奇偶校验的关键功能。 在退出测试版之前,我们将解决许多这些难题,并改善可访问性。 稍后,该项目将达到一个目的,即通过添加受追捧的高级用户功能,我们可以充分庆祝我们的核心受众。 敬请关注!

FilesUWP 是一款功能强大的文件管理应用程序,它支持市面上绝大多数流行的文件系统,支持 3D 视图和内容搜索,内置的拆分和合并文件功能,以及多种文件编辑工具,可以帮助用户更有效地管理文件。总的来说,FilesUWP 应用程序是一款优秀的文件管理工具,非常适合个人用户和企业用户使用。



Fix: Fixed issue where option to hide details pane wasn’t working by @yaira2 in #11230
Fix: Fixed “NotAFolder” error when changing the language by @hishitetsu in #11232
Fix: Fixed selecting wrong items when creating or renaming an item by @hishitetsu in #11237
Feature: Tweaked border brush on path and search box by @yaira2 in #11240
Feature: Add support for removing tag in the details layout by @ferrariofilippo in #11238
Fix: Fixed issue where BaseContextFlyout was not closed after selecting an item by @hishitetsu in #11245
Fix: Fixed issue where the right click menu didn’t load properly in folders that have archive extensions by @hishitetsu in #11248
Feature: Add shell context menu for widgets by @hecksmosis in #11204
Code Quality: Code cleanup and formatting by @onein528 in #11156
Fix: Fixed double separator showing up when opening context menu for files by @hecksmosis in #11253
Fix: Fixed icon in preview build by @yaira2 in #11262
Feature: Disable show more options menu item until shell items are loaded by @hecksmosis in #11243
Fix: Fixed issues with recent context menu changes by @hishitetsu in #11270
Code Quality: Refactored AdaptiveLayoutHelpers by @cinqmilleans in #10782
Feature: Added support for hiding open in new tab/window options by @yaira2 in #11285
Feature: Apply app theme to settings dialog by @yaira2 in #11286
Feature: Moved context menu settings to preferences page by @yaira2 in #11287
Feature: Add a UI to edit, delete and create tags by @ferrariofilippo in #11249
Fix: Fixed issue with resizing the status column by @ferrariofilippo in #11027
Fix: Cancel tag edit when pressing esc & Tags duplicate names by @ferrariofilippo in #11297
Fix: Fixed context menu hang in recent files and other widgets by @hecksmosis in #11301
Feature: Removed sidebar toggles from settings dialog by @yaira2 in #11302
Feature: Added shortcut to open Windows Terminal as administrator by @ferrariofilippo in #11281
Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 by @dependabot in #11308
Codebase: Remove unnecessary using directives by @hecksmosis in #11300
Fix: Fixed closing app when the item flyout is open to hang by @hishitetsu in #11310
Code Quality: Shell page refactoring by @ferrariofilippo in #11034
Feature: Updated color icons by @yaira2 in #11313
Fix: Remove deleted tags from items by @ferrariofilippo in #11309
Fix: Fixed settings background in dark mode by @yaira2 in #11316
Feature: Added support for reordering tags by @ferrariofilippo in #11306
Feature: Added Tags section in settings by @ferrariofilippo in #11320
Fix: Fixed showOpenWithMenu not working by @hishitetsu in #11325
Feature: Move open with to main menu when right clicking recent files by @hecksmosis in #11304
Fix: Fixed issue with tab icon not loading properly by @chingucoding in #11328


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