文本编辑器(Notepad3)中文精简绿色便携版- ziyuanxiong.cn


Notepad3是一款体积小巧且运行快速的记事本文本编辑器,与系统默认记事本具备相同资源消耗,但提供了更多的实用功能,如代码高亮、编码转换、行号显示、多步 Ctrl+Z、增强的查找替换等等,其功能可以完美的取代系统自带的记事本。支持winxp、win7、win8和win10操作系统。


文本编辑器(Notepad3)中文精简绿色便携版- ziyuanxiong.cn


Notepad3 具有以下功能:
代码折叠、括号匹配、自动缩进、单词自动完成、在各种格式(ASCII、UTF-8 和 UTF-16)之间转换字符编码、换行符格式转换(在 DOS(CR/LF)、Unix(LF)和 Macintosh(CR)格式之间),多重撤消或重做、书签和基于正则表达式的查找和替换。

Notepad3 几乎可处理任何编程工作,支持下面的编程语言列表:
Apache、ASP、Assembly、AutoHotkey、AutoIt3、AviSynth、Awk、Bash、BAT、C、C++、C#、CGI、CMake、CoffeeScript、CSS、CSV、D、DIFF、Go、HTML、NF、INI、Inno Setup、Java、JavaScript、JSON、LaTeX、Lua、Makefiles、Markdown、MATLAB、Nim、NSIS、Pascal、Perl、PHP、PowerShell、Python、REG、Resource、R-S-SPlus Statistics、Ruby、Rust、Shell、SQL、Tcl、TOML、VB、VBScript、VHDL、XHTML、XML、YAML 和改进了对 NFO ANSI 的支持。


Version (February 3, 2023) Changes


  • Paragraph navigation (Alt+PageUp, Alt+PageDown).
  • Allow “dotbox” instead of “horiz. line” for folded text.
  • Allow Line Number color to be alpha blended (e.g. DarkMode).
  • Allow “Notepad3 x64 Setup” to install on Win11 Arm (64-bit emulation).
  • Implementation of automatic parenthesis closure.
  • Darkmode highlight (foreground) contrast settings + default reduction to 75%.
  • Add example for tinyexpr in Modify Lines dialog.
  • Add option to auto-load most recent file from file history.
  • Change History Marker: color configuration.
  • Menu (View) Settings for “Change History” feature.
  • Persistent settings for “Document Read-Only Mode”.
  • Add Change History Marker (by Scintilla v5.3.0).
  • Add “char8_t” keyword for C++20.
  • Msg box for editing read-only.
  • F/R-dialog menu item to switch replace by clipboard tag (^c).
  • Set keyword-lists for CSS Lexer according to SciTE’s css.properties.
  • JSON Lexer: colorizing for URL/IRI and Compact IRI.
  • JSON Lexer: error coloring for unclosed strings.
  • Add a Fortran Lexer.
  • LongPath Support enhancements.


  • Allow coloralpharef read from scheme properties.
  • Move DefaultWindowPosition to Window section (deprecated: Settings2 section).
  • Revert to Lexilla’s standard Markdown lexer (LEX).
  • Change background color for Heading 1 to enhance contrast to std Hyperlink (LEX).
  • Visible representation of EOL characters.
  • Refactoring of using SCI_REPLACETARGET(MINIMAL).
  • Lexer Registry-Files: split string and GUID String coloring (LEX).
  • Status-bar double-click line-break mode: Cycle only between CR+LF <-> LF modes.
  • Update Lexer “AutoIt3 Script” to Autoit v3.3.16.1.
  • Adjust All dialogboxes for all Languages to fit at display scale of 125%.
  • Replacing SCI_REPLACETARGET calls by SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL calls where appropriate.
  • Extend AutoCloseBrackets (by Matteo-Nigro PR #4318) for Selection.
  • Using new AviSynth+ keyword lists and AviSynth colors (light/dark mode).
  • Refactored of undo/redo and document modify handler.
  • Standard DarkMode Theme.
  • Minor adjustment of grepWinNP3’s layout and correction of some strings (GRE).
  • Simplify WordList Set according to (https://github.com/ScintillaOrg/lexilla/issues/103).
  • Caret style: allow std caret bar width up to max(20) and define alpha transparency (not below 20).
  • Alow “tinyexpr” within “Modify Lines” ${…} specification, using L, I, N as expression variables.
  • Replace old logo “rizonesoft.bmp” by new layout.
  • Use deprecated SCI_FINDTEXT to workaround crash on new (Sci v5.2.3) SCI_FINDTEXTFULL method.
  • “Don’t ask again” for keep Read-Only view mode dialog on editing file.
  • Decouple Read-Only file Attribute from Read-Only Document view mode.
  • Renaming feature from obscure “Accelerated Word Navigation” to better name “Alternate Word Separators”.
  • Sync the “Sombra” Scheme Collection with the “Window Dark Mode”.
  • Using ‘Cascadia Mono’ as default for pure ‘Text File’ scheme (if available).
  • Rainbow CSV Lexer: try to solve non-paired quotings.
  • Show number of occurrence on sequence of marked all.
  • Drag&drop text snippet while ALT-Key down will not scroll.
  • Document “Read Only” view menu item for switching mode.
  • CamelCase WordLists for AHK Lexer.
  • Ctrl/Alt+F10 as Accelerator-Keys for Filesystem-Path to URL (and back) conversion.
  • Renaming Spanish Latin America (es-419) to Spanish Mexican (es-MX) (MUI).
  • Hyperlink RegEx Scanner: don’t allow XML tagging brackets as part of Hyperlink text.
  • In Windows 11, running “Notepad” from “Run” (Win+R) launches “Notepad3”.
  • Removing unnecessary “ToShortPath” operations.
  • Small performance enhancement for large rectangle selection undo/redo del/ins.
  • PathGetDisplayName(): strip path(dir) option, to enable to show full path in dialogs.
  • Merged Fortran Lexer keyword/functions suggestions from zoziha.
  • Fortran Lexer keyword/function enhancement.
  • Default settings: LaunchInstanceWndPosOffset=28 and LaunchInstanceFullVisible=true.


  • Infinite loop using SCI_REPLACEMINIMAL in replace all loop in range (Hotfix).
  • Speedup loading files with very long lines.
  • Dependencies for version-file inclusion.
  • Remove files generated by Version.ps1 and tracking disabled by .gitignore.
  • Get git commit id for local build (ID= in Help Dlg).
  • Initial white display (splash) in case of Dark Mode Win
  • Animated minimize (taskbar or tray), restore w/o white splash.
  • Trigger mark-all-occ after transform backslash (EscCtrlChr) in F/R-Box is used.
  • Some WSL2 (Linux) path issues.
  • Handling of editing own settings (in this case: disable file watching).
  • Path to module relative representation.
  • Load Toolbar-Bitmap handling.
  • Minor design change and some fixes for Margin and Bookmark handling.
  • (re)setting default window position in case of non std DPI resolution.
  • Speedup search&replace in large text files.
  • Use alternate path, if Path_GetKnownFolder() failed.
  • Set alpha (80) for “highlight current line” translucency, if not given.
  • “Notepad3 Replacement” after Win11 22H2 update (SUP).
  • Oniguruma fix (ONIG_OPTION_FIND_LONGEST behavior) (ONI).
  • Make current line visible after word-wrap-mode toggle.
  • Restore and correction the line “IDM_SETPASS” in menu_fr_fr_rc.
  • Revert relative size for ANSI Art.
  • Reset change history except in case of “revert from file”.
  • Linker must generate Manifest.
  • Don’t store contrast adapted dark mode foreground color themes.
  • Common base font size scheme handling.
  • Context menu: web action handler.
  • Modification marker based on selection history.
  • Disable events from edit-window while in Begin/End-WaitCursor.
  • Error message on loading empty file.
  • Broken reload file (broken by check for single file instance)”.
  • A warning message in “dialogs_xx_yy.rc”.
  • Respect single file instance mode for internal file loading.
  • “unref” param in RELEASE mode.
  • DarkTheme handling.
  • “grepWinNP3” minor layout adjustments (GRE).
  • Resizing the “Open Recent File” dialog box.
  • Resizing control (files as binary), minor layout adjustments (GRE).
  • Fixed Text box for longest text length (“el-GR”) + correction typo (GRE).
  • Avoid horizontal line scrolling on File Revert (F5).
  • “Modify Lines” feature – correct computation of field width for tinyexpr results.
  • Win10/11 build number to name mapping.
  • Titlebar update on change.
  • Margin handling (context, bookmarks).
  • New Rizone.soft bitmap.
  • Treat files as binary can be Accidentally Clicked (GRE).
  • Try to fix printing scaling issue.
  • Propagate default font to undefined-font styles.
  • Font selection (if font face-name does not match to family-name).
  • Bookmarks handling in case of delete (in-line, complete line, selection).
  • Crash in SCI_FINDTEXTFULL caused by using wrong data structure.
  • TAB (indent) usage in case of read-only mode sets doc modified flag.
  • Directory locking of current file.
  • Remember user data entered for dialogs: EncloseSel, ModifyLines, InsertTag, StreamComment.
  • Uninitialized variable, causing problems on copy multi-selection.
  • Special not found position value in case of regex search.
  • Unicode Detection in case of pure ASCCI containing null bytes.
  • ASCII only issue of not reliable IsTextUnicode().
  • Using “Cascadia Mono” over “Cascadia Code” if applicable (regarding to “Text File” Scheme change).
  • “Text File” Scheme: using Common (2nd) Base Font.
  • Using by error “Segoe UI” as default for pure “Text File” scheme.
  • Lexer style config names: differences between display and .ini-config.
  • Dark mode color style scheme global from common base/2nd.
  • Writing wrong scheme to .ini-file.
  • Missing assert include for Win32/x86 compile config.
  • Compile errors for unreferenced formal parameter in release mode.
  • DarkMode issue in Decrypt dialog.
  • Security enhancement of AES Encryption feature.
  • MessageBox: shortage of text buffer.
  • Workaround to fix horizontal mouse wheel with Logitech Options utility.
  • Occurrence counter for “current word” mode.
  • F/R-Dialog: Initial fill of replace template box.
  • Find-Pattern storage handling.
  • Find Next/Prev behavior.
  • Regression caused by previous fix.
  • Mark all occurrences: move caret to end of main selection.
  • Preserve Caret position (issue 3927).
  • Fill Find pattern on F/R-dialog init, prefer clipboard over search history.
  • ID mismatch using ‘enter’ to close infobox (vs. ‘yes/ok’ button).
  • Allow switching encoding for empty document.
  • Memory issues fixing and hardening.
  • XML/HTML Stream Comment.
  • Find/Replace pattern history: clear all not persisted to .ini file.
  • URL detector: double-quote should not be valid URL character.
  • Allow hyperlinks end in dashes.
  • Support User-Doc on Recent Files Jump List.
  • Trim line endings on Save except AutoSave.
  • Find user docs special folder var.
  • Performance issue on pasting clipboard.
  • Add to recent documents issue.
  • File History: delete file in list and .ini-file.
  • “grepWinNP3” .ini Path issue in Notepad3 Setup version (GRE).
  • UNC path prefix handling issues.
  • Parsing file arg: relative from working dir.
  • Locale settings dependent Themes Menu (Standard Config).
  • Add to Favorites: keep base-filename + extension.
  • Find file extension.
  • Reading initial style config.
  • Notification blocker on loading huge files.
  • Heap corruption on retrieving text from combo box.

CHANGES Versions In Tools Or Libraries:

  • Update MiniPath (MIN) version (2022-12-13).
  • Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.9 (2022-12-09).
  • Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 5.3.2 (2022-12-06).
  • Update Lexilla Library (LEX) version 5.2.1 (2022-12-06).
  • Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2022-10-14).


  • Afrikaans (af-ZA).
  • Belarusian (be-BY).
  • Chinese Simplified (zh-CN).
  • Chinese Traditional (zh-TW).
  • Dutch (nl-NL).
  • English (en-GB).
  • French (fr-FR).
  • German (de-DE).
  • Greek (el-GR) (incomplete…).
  • Hindi (hi-IN) (incomplete…).
  • Hungarian (hu-HU).
  • Indonesian (id-ID) (incomplete…).
  • Italian (it-IT).
  • Japanese (ja-JP).
  • Korean (ko-KR).
  • Polish (pl-PL).
  • Portuguese (pt-PT) (incomplete…).
  • Portuguese Brazilian (pt-BR).
  • Russian (ru-RU).
  • Slovak (sk-SK).
  • Spanish (es-ES).
  • Spanish Mexican (es-MX) (incomplete…)
  • Swedish (sv-SE).
  • Turkish (tr-TR).
  • Vietnamese (vi-VN) (incomplete…).


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