开源视频编辑器 OpenShot Video Editor v3.1.1 中文多语版-资源熊


OpenShot Video Editor 是一款屡获殊荣的免费开源视频编辑器,适用于 Linux、Mac 和 Windows,致力于为全世界提供高质量的视频编辑和动画解决方案。OpenShot Video Editor 可让您创建和编辑可以以创造性和巧妙的方式分层、混合和排列的高清视频。OpenShot™创建于 2008 年,旨在为 Linux 构建一个免费简单的开源视频编辑器。它现在可以在 Linux,Mac 和 Windows 上使用,已被下载数百万次,并且作为一个项目继续发展!


开源视频编辑器 OpenShot Video Editor v3.1.1 中文多语版-资源熊


OpenShot 是跨平台的影片编辑器,支援 Linux, Mac 和 Windows。今天开始使用并下载我们的安装程式。

快速修剪您的影片,找到完美的时刻。 OpenShot 有许多简单的方法来剪切您的影片。

动画 & 关键影格





3D 动画
绘制漂亮的 3D 动画标题和效果,例如雪、镜头光晕或飞行文本。

慢镜头 & 时间效果

从档案管理器拖放视讯、音讯或图片到 OpenShot 中。开始视讯编辑就是这么简单。

70+ 语言
OpenShot 有许多不同语言的版本,并且可以在线上翻译,使用 LaunchPad.

我们把 OpenShot 设计为最容易与最友善的影片编辑软体!试一试并且自己看一看。


Highlights & Features:

  • Bumping version to 3.1.1, min libopenshot dependency to 0.3.2
  • Prevent freeze on launch (in Windows – when your sample-rate in OpenShot does not match the host OS sample-rate)
  • Fix duplicate Profile name bug (causing an issue when exporting and re-opening a project with specific profile names)
  • Adding Profile search button to Preferences (for easier filtering and searching for a default profile)
  • Protect timeline (webview) from receiving lots of unneeded messages from libopenshot
  • Large refactor for Tracker and Object Detection effects (allow property editing, prevent crashes, allow parent property to work)
  • Refactor of Parent property (simpler, a single \’None\’ option, thumbnail images)
  • Improved caching logic around Property Editor (better performance while adjusting clip properties)
  • Many small code refactors and fixes to prevent noisy errors (reported by Sentry.io)
  • Updated language translations
  • Updated credits and donors
  • Removed old GitHub Action builder for Ubuntu 18.04, and tweaked GitHub CI build scripts

openshot-qt Changelog (Version: 3.1.1)

  • 5416a16 2023-04-20 Jonathan Thomas Adding back in \”layers\”, \”markers\” to webview changes – since we accidentally filtered them out. HEAD, origin/release-20230417
  • 1ee5f7b 2023-04-19 Jonathan Thomas Allow \”duration\” to be sent to the webview, to allow auto-increase project duration / auto resize the timeline
  • 0979288 2023-04-18 Jonathan Thomas Protect setWindowTitle from being called by a different thread (preview_thread – if sample_rate is updated). Protect preview_thread::update() method from triggering with \’sample_rate\’ update.
  • 91b19e5 2023-04-17 Jonathan Thomas Protecting timeline webview from unrelated changes – which can sometimes happen prior to the webview being fully loaded (causing a freeze on launch of OpenShot)
  • 967a429 2023-04-17 Jonathan Thomas On launch of OpenShot, convert float sample_rate into Integer (if needed), and update settings::sample_rate if needed. This causes our audio device to freeze
  • 6736aa6 2023-04-17 Jonathan Thomas Bumping version to 3.1.1, min libopenshot dependency to 0.3.2
  • 52f5431 2023-04-17 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5212 from OpenShot/update-translations-credits-apr-6-2023 origin/develop
  • 14c4260 2023-04-17 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5211 from OpenShot/protect-waveform-from-null-clip
  • 2c49311 2023-04-17 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5210 from OpenShot/project-data-parsing-error
  • f8282e7 2023-04-16 Jonathan Thomas Updating donors and supporters
  • 43cf54e 2023-04-16 Jonathan Thomas Updating translations for 3.1.1 release
  • 150689f 2023-04-16 Jonathan Thomas Protect from generating a waveform for a NULL clip (we should skip clips that we can\’t find or query). Reported in Sentry: OPENSHOT-1WJ5
  • 8d896e8 2023-04-16 Jonathan Thomas Show friendly error to user when Export dialog fails to parse project JSON data: Reported in Sentry: OPENSHOT-6X
  • 266092e 2023-04-16 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5205 from OpenShot/sentry-invalid-property-data
  • e0af3c5 2023-04-16 Jonathan Thomas Refactor some logic in Parent / Child property context menus – to be simpler, and more efficient. This solves a bug on Windows also, where file paths were not matching correctly.
  • 954d868 2023-04-16 Jonathan Thomas Adding debug logs to property widget context menus
  • 92cf3d4 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Removing items from \”Parent\” and \”Child Clip ID\” and \”Parent Effect\” context menus in the Property dialog – for example, clips with no effects, or clips with no tracking data, etc… Also, making things more consistent with parent folders in context menus (None, Clips, Tracked Objects)
  • 3b260d7 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Fix object detector and tracker effects when using context menus, color pickers, and other property dialog editors – to correctly update the JSON without destroying certain data or \”objects\”
  • bb85b5b 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Allow clearing the \”Parent\” and \”Child Clip ID\” properties of a clip / effect, and allow setting of the initial value to work correctly.
  • d37894c 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Extending objects protections to color_update and remove_keyframe methods – to ignore when an object_id is not found, or a clip has no \’objects\’ dict
  • 36d9b36 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Updating timeline changed callback to always reset the current value of ENABLE_PLAYBACK_CACHING. For example, sometimes we have already disabled this setting before changing the timeline data – and we would like it to stay disabled until further notice. This method was accidentally re-enabling the caching when we were not expecting it to.
  • 788266e 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Protecting property widget exception when a label returns an invalid data tuple for the current selected property label: Sentry reported this error: OPENSHOT-43. This also fixes a regression related to updating ObjectDetector and Tracker objects.
  • 8ff253e 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Protecting property widget exception when a label returns an invalid data tuple for the current selected property label: Setnry reported this error: OPENSHOT-43.
  • 1e07ee3 2023-04-13 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5202 from OpenShot/protect-timeline-args origin/audio-background-transparent
  • db2e8e8 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5201 from OpenShot/edit-title-error
  • c05a3c9 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5200 from OpenShot/fix-duplicate-profile-names
  • a284f22 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Protecting timeline args from non-Integer values. Detected on Sentry: OPENSHOT-245G
  • 6ff1dbe 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Fix for editing a title and trying to update a thumbnail on the timeline – was missing a required arg
  • eed7a2c 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Removing freeze from github actions – too difficult to maintain compatibility with all the different builders
  • 877b0fd 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Fixing issue where we still had many duplicate profile descriptions causing issues. Adding - width x height | DAR suffix for only the duplicate ones.
  • e725246 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Removing old ubuntu 18.04 github builder, adding 22.04
  • b270275 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Ignore profile folders on Export dialog init – removes warning log about \”failed to process\” profile folder
  • 4c7af05 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Adding Profile search button to Preferences for easier filtering and searching for a default profile
  • c95e9a9 2023-04-12 Jonathan Thomas Updating duplicate profile names to use unique name (with DAR appended onto the end)
  • ebe2ad3 2023-04-07 Jonathan Thomas Merge pull request #5178 from OpenShot/release-20230321


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