PeaZip v9.2.0-免费无广告的压缩文件管理器-资源熊


PeaZip 虽然同是开源免费的压缩工具,但它比 7-Zip 相对会稍微好看一些,界面设计更清爽现代,功能上也不输老大哥,还算是能打的。加上软件界面也没有任何广告,跨平台支持 Windows (XP ~ Win10) 和 Linux 系统,总体来说比较好用,值得推荐。


PeaZip v9.2.0-免费无广告的压缩文件管理器-资源熊


  • 压缩格式转换:直接将某个格式的文件转换成另一种压缩格式,无需手动先解压再压缩;
  • 脚本支持:对于高级用户,你甚至还能调用命令行和编写脚本来做一些批量处理;
  • 查找重复文件:在压缩包里帮你搜索出那些重复的文件;
  • 密码管理器:Bandizip 收费的密码管理器功能在 PeaZIP 里是免费的;
  • 跨平台:支持 Windows 和 Linux 系统;


20240221 Peazip v9.7.1 开源免费无广告的跨平台压缩软件

PeaZip 9.7.1 provides bug fixes and updated language files.

9.7 line is primarily meant to update app’s foundations: sources are now built with Lazarus 3.0, Windows dark mode is now fully supported, and a native Linux aarch64 version is now available.

The scripting generation engine is improved, and the app now supports Brotli 1.1.0 and Zstd 1.5.5 backend.

PeaZip 9.2.0 improves the GUI with more customization options for address bar and tab bar, and re-organizes support section, with easier access to online resources, documentation, issue tracker, and to settings relevant to privacy and security.
Under the hood the support for editing non-canonical archive types was improved, and it is now possible to try different methods to manage unsupported file types.
On Windows, McMilk codecs and sfx modules were updated, to support extra compression methods for .7z format (Brotli, FLZMA2, Lizard, Zstandard…), and on all platforms it is now possible to set an alias for 7z / p7zip backend to easily switch between alternative binaries.

20240805 PeaZip v9.9.0-免费无广告的压缩文件管理器


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